Domestic Market Updates 

Track Australian dairy market updates for some of the latest developments in production, trade and retail sales.

Australian Exports Up In December

Australian Exports Up In December

Australian exports rose 27.5% YOY in December, in milk solids equivalent terms. Export volumes have increased YOY in every month since December 2023. Cheese exports rose 24.7% YOY in December, with the monthly volume the highest since Jan-18, mostly due to stronger...

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Consumer Mood Stagnates

Consumer Mood Stagnates

Australian consumer sentiment has stalled in the first months of 2025, after  improving materially in the second half of 2024 according to the latest Westpac-Melbourne Institute Consumer Sentiment index. The index edged up 0.1% in February to 92.2, up from 92.1 in...

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Rural Bank Cautious Dairy Outlook

Rural Bank Cautious Dairy Outlook

There’s not much of a case for reducing farmgate milk prices in the coming season, according to Rural Bank’s February Update.       Global dairy prices continue to lift with the GDT Index 17% above prior year and Fonterra New Zealand recently lifted its forecast...

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Australian Exports Up In December

Fonterra Milk Supplies Lift

Fonterra’s Australian milk intake rose , up 1.5% YOY in December to 11.0m kg of milk solids. The increase was due to continued strong production in Northern Victoria, with feed and irrigation water availability ’relatively unconstrained’. Season-to-date milk...

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Milk Price Speculation and Blame Mounts

Milk Price Speculation and Blame Mounts

According to eastAUmilk CEO Eric Danzi strong global dairy prices achieved at recent GDT events and exporter- friendly exchange rates should push farmgate prices higher. Danzi challenged processors to lift milk prices to $10kgMS by July, while $12kgMS was not out of...

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Chance of Wetter Autumn

Chance of Wetter Autumn

Rainfall is likely (60 to 80% chance) to be above average across much of northern and eastern Australia for February to April, with the likelihood of above average rainfall exceeding 80% in parts of northern and central Queensland. For large parts of southern...

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Australian Exports Up In December

Aus Milk Down 1% In December

Australian milk production was down 1% YOY in December, putting season-to-date output 0.9% ahead of the prior year comparable. Victorian milk was -0.2% YOY in December as the dry conditions in the west, combined with warmer temperatures dragged on production,...

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Milk Price Speculation and Blame Mounts

Cull Cow Prices Bounce Back

Cull cow values have bounced back in January, according to the National Livestock Reporting Service. Saleyard prices for dairy cows averaged 232c per kg liveweight in the December quarter, down 5.5% from the prior three-month period. For the first three weeks of 2025,...

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Australian Exports Up In December

Above Average Wheat Crop For 2024/25

Australia’s wheat production is estimated at 32 mt for 2024/25 based on receivals data. This is the third largest crop on record, 20% above the 10-year average and despite tough seasonal conditions across southern Australia. Wheat quality is reportedly lower than...

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Australian Exports Up In December

Small Increases In Water Entitlements

The Resource Manager for northern Victoria updated the 2024/25 seasonal determinations. The Campaspe system seasonal determination increases from 47% of low-reliability water shares (LRWS) to 48% LRWS, in addition to 100% of high-reliability water shares (HRWS). The...

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