April milk down 6.6%

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Australia, Volume trends

Australian milk output fell 6.6% YOY in April according to Dairy Australia. Season to date production tracking 3.4% behind the prior year comparative.

Milk production was down across most states in April. In Victoria, output was down 5.9% YOY for the month and 3.9% down compared to the season prior. Production in Gippsland dropped 11.1% YOY in April, bringing season to date production 5.3% behind the season prior comparable. Production in northern Victoria was down 4.5% for the month, while conditions were better in western Vic with output just 0.7% down YOY. Tasmanian output dropped 8.8% YOY in April, with production 7.1% behind for the season. April production in NSW fell 7.8% YOY but remains 1.6% ahead of the prior season. In South Australia, milk output was down 4.2% YOY for the season and is 0.7% behind for the 10 months to April.