The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) has released its winter outlook (June to August) indicating more rain and higher temperatures for parts of the country. April to May rainfall was less than half the average across much of southern Australia. Autumn temperatures were generally warmer than average but cooler in NSW. The dry months of April and May means that soil moisture levels in southern Australia is mostly below average, but is above average in parts of NSW, Queensland and WA. Murray-Darling Basin water storages are 20% higher than a year ago, and south east coast of NSW are also up on 12 months ago.
Climate drivers such as the ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole are neutral and are likely to remain neutral during winter but warmer ocean temperatures to the north of Australia may increase moisture available to enhance rainfall earlier in the season. Near median to high streamflows are expected for May to July and the winter daytime temperatures are likely to be warmer than average close to the coast.