SW Vic Farmers Receive Drought Support

SW Vic Farmers Receive Drought Support

Premier Jacinta Allan has announced a $13.5m package in support for farmers in 11 local government areas in Victoria’s southwest. The funds will help deliver on-farm infrastructure grants and increase the region’s resilience into the future in response to the current...
SW Vic Farmers Receive Drought Support

Solid Vic Farm Profits In 2023/24

Average Victorian dairy farm profits were above the long-term average for the fifth consecutive year in 2023/24, according to the latest Dairy Farm Monitor (DFM) report. Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) fell 8% YOY for the state, with gross farm income falling...
Fonterra Intake Up 3.6% In August

Fonterra Intake Up 3.6% In August

Fonterra Australia’s milk intake was up 3.6% YOY to 7M kg of milksolids in August. According to the latest Global Update, the increase in milk collections reflected favourable conditions in northern and eastern Victorian regions supporting strong pasture growth and...
SW Vic Farmers Receive Drought Support

Fonterra Australia’s Profits Down

Gross profit in Fonterra’s Australian business fell 9% from NZ$294m to NZ$269m, largely reflecting a one-off expense of NZ$27m related to a class action settlement related to the 2016 milk price clawback. Consumer sales increased 10% YOY, while gross profit for the...
SW Vic Farmers Receive Drought Support

Beston Goes Into Administration

Beston Global Foods has gone into voluntary administration. KPMG were appointed as administrators, once negotiations with Megmilk to purchase the company ceased. Beston has two facilities in South Australia, producing butter, milk, mozzarella and other cheeses, and...
More Rain For Eastern Australia

More Rain For Eastern Australia

The latest Bureau of Meteorology long-range forecast from October through December is for above average rainfall in the eastern half of Australia and drier than average conditions in western Tasmania. Days and nights are expected to be unusually warm for most areas...