Rabo Tips Milk Growth

Rabo Tips Milk Growth

Rabobank expects Australian milk output to grow 1.5% YOY in the 2024/25 season.  Milk output rose 3.1% YOY in the 2023/24  with all states and regions recording growth, except Western Victoria where dry conditions constrained production. RaboResearch senior dairy...
DA Forecasts Slight Milk Drop

Seasonal Water Outlook Released

The Resource manager for northern Victorian water systems has updated the outlook for 2024/25 seasonal determinations. Reserves established in water storages during 2023/24 provided a strong foundation for carried over allocation and 2024/25. The opening determination...
DA Forecasts Slight Milk Drop

Rabobank: Seasonal milk to grow 2.6% YOY

Australia’s milk supply will end the current season 2.6% ahead of the prior season according to Rabobank while 2024/25 intake is expected to grow in the range of 3-4%. Favourable weather conditions with record rainfall from the spring and into January 2024 are...
DA Forecasts Slight Milk Drop

ABARES’ bleak dairy outlook

Australian milk production will lift 1.8% to 8.3bn litres in 2023/24 as higher yields offsets the effect of a smaller herd. That’s according to the  March 2024 Agricultural Commodities report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and...
DA Forecasts Slight Milk Drop

Smaller grain crop

The latest crop report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) projects total Australian winter crop production to fall 33% compared to last year’s record output of 46.1mt. The forecast is slightly below the 10-year...