EU-27 exports weak in June

by | Aug 18, 2021 | Global, Volume trends

EU-27 dairy exports were lower in May across all product categories tracked, except for milk & cream. At 73,736t, SMP exports were 1.3% down YOY, with sharp falls in shipments to Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, and despite positive trends in China & HK and SE Asia sales. With lower local manufacture, the current and projected EU-27 stock situation is quite tight, particularly considering the slow milk growth in Germany and France at the end of July.

Cheese exports fell 4.9% YOY to 120,464t – which was actually a 3-month high – reflecting weaker shipments into the UK and Japan. Fat exports continued to track lower YOY in June, with butter and AMF falling by 21.2% and 36.2% respectively. WMP exports fell 16.9% YOY in June and were down 16.3% in the corresponding quarter.

Among other product categories, there were YOY falls in June for infant formula (-22.3%), WPC80 (-24.6%), lactose (-20.1%), FFMP & Mixtures (-5.1%) and MPC (-15.2%), but marginal 0.1% growth in milk & cream.