June Milk Production Lifts

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Australia, Volume trends

Milk production finished the 2023/24 season up 3.1% YOY at 8.38bn litres -2.1% on 2021/22. Milk output in June lifted 3.4% YOY according to Dairy Australia. 

Victorian production rose 4.8% YOY in June, with significant increases in output in Gippsland (+9.0% YOY) and Northern Victoria (+7.8%), while output in Western Vic slid -0.6% YOY. Tasmanian milk intake lifted 3.3% YOY in June and was +2.5% YOY in NSW. Meanwhile, Qld output  declined 2.8% YOY and SA production was down -1.5% YOY for the month.