More rain to come

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Australia, Weather

The latest Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) climate outlook is for a wetter 3-month period from April to June across northern and eastern Australia, but drier in western Tasmania and in southern WA.

La Niña is likely to finish by late autumn with a return to neutral conditions in the tropical Pacific, however, wetter conditions will continue for now. The BoM warns there is an increased chance of unusually high rainfall (in the top 20% of historical records) for April to June across the northern tropics and most of the rest of Queensland, most of NSW, and parts of Victoria and eastern Tasmania (1.5 to 4.0 times the usual chance).

Meanwhile, rain keeps hammering NSW with evacuation orders issued for residents in northern NSW. Heavy rainfall has brought more flooding in the Northern Rivers region with rainfall totalling close to 150mm in six hours. Flash flooding is predicted for the Northern Rivers, the Mid North Coast and Northern Tablelands. Thunderstorms off the NSW coast are expected to bring showers in the coming days all the way south to Sydney according to the BoM