NZ: Milk output edges up in January

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Global, Volume trends

January milk production edged up 0.4% YOY on a milksolids basis, and 0.8% YOY on a volume basis. Milksolids production has increased 0.6% YOY for the season to date and remains 2.8% above the five-year average for the first eight months.

Meanwhile, Fonterra’s milk collections fell 0.9% YOY in January to 168.2m kgMS, with season to date production 0.8% behind the prior season comparable. Intake in the North Island was flat for the month, with seasonal intake 0.5% behind last season due to prolonged dry spells in the northern North Island. South Island milk production fell 2.1% YOY in January, with season intake tracking 1.2% behind last year with warm and dry conditions adversely impacting pasture growth for the first half of the month. Fonterra forecasts 2020/21 milk collections will reach 1,525m kgMS, 0.5% up on the prior season.