Recent rain fills water storages

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Australia, News

According to Goulburn Murray Water water storages in the Murray area are all near 100% while Southern Rural Water reports Lake Glenmaggie water storage reached 99% this week, lifting slightly from the week prior but up 11% from a year ago. Meanwhile, Lake Eildon storage is above capacity with storage levels at 100.3%, lifting 4.46% from the week before and 16.9% from October 2022. Dartmouth and Eppalock storages holds less water than a year ago.

The latest rainfall summary from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) forecast below median rainfall for most of South Australia, Tasmania and Vitoria in November and below median rainfall for most of Australia in the three months from November to January. Small areas of NSW, including Upper Western, North-West Slopes and Plains, and Riverina districts are more likely to have above median rainfall.


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