Regular grade WMP prices rose to US$3,100/t at GDT Pulse event #39 up 2.0% from the C2 WMP price achieved at GDT #345 and 4.4% higher than Pulse event #38. The December SGX-NZX futures contract settled lower at US$3,045/t.
Meanwhile, medium heat SMP prices settled at US$2,590/t at Pulse #39, down 0.4% from the C2 medium heat SMP at GDT #345 and US$75/t higher than the price achieved at the previous Pulse event.
The event had 16 winning bidders, down from 26 at the previous event from 42 participants. The auction stretched over 33 minutes, up 7 minutes from the prior event with 2,228t of the 2,250t on offer sold.